Last week of classes for 2020

I don't think there could be a more fitting quote for 2020 at LDA!

We've taught online, in the park, back in the studio and then back online again! It's not been the year we had planned for, but we've still had a LOT of fun!

As much as zoom classes are not the same as real life, they are an incredible substitute and a lifeline on long, lonely, lockdown days where we can forget all of our troubles and dance it out!

I cannot tell you how nervous I was for my very first Zoom ballet class. I recruited 3 ballerinas to join me online for a practice run and had a handwritten script just incase I forgot anything 😂 the idea of teaching on zoom was incredibly daunting and I wasn't convinced it was going to take off! But it quickly became second nature, bringing us all a sense of normality and a little joy to our days! We are so grateful to everyone who has joined us online this year! And of course our INCREDIBLE teachers who jumped online without hesitation and have been nothing short of amazing this entire year!

Also to Zoom 💻😂 Thank you Zoom for keeping LDA dancing in 2020! 💖
